By Anonymous - 14/10/2012 17:03 - Estonia

Today, after weeks of coming home to find my furniture all tipped over, thinking the place was haunted, and accepting my boyfriend's offers to come over and "comfort" me, I came home from work early. I found my boyfriend in the kitchen, kicking over all the chairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 782
You deserved it 8 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flutter4 7

He just wanted extra love from you

lacespace 8

Boo it's a criminal master mind!


...... I'm sorry but that's really adorable!!! WHAT DID YOU DO?!!!

yourmofo 6

"Today, after lengthily entertaining an incredibly improbable explanation for an event, I was shocked to discover it was due to much more likely circumstances. F Occam's Razor."

Okay, disclaimer: Technically I don't think that describes Occam's Razor, now that I think on it. Occam's Razor asserts that the SIMPLEST (ie: making fewest assumptions) hypothesis should be adopted in lieu of more COMPLEX (ie: making more assumptions) ones, not that the more probable explanation. Subtle distinction in this case, but I don't wanna give anyone the wrong idea.

Hence, we have 50% of haunted house claims explained.

san251 10

Smart kid. He just wanted to spend time with his girl. Lol sorry about that though.