By Anonymous - 14/10/2012 17:03 - Estonia

Today, after weeks of coming home to find my furniture all tipped over, thinking the place was haunted, and accepting my boyfriend's offers to come over and "comfort" me, I came home from work early. I found my boyfriend in the kitchen, kicking over all the chairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 775
You deserved it 8 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flutter4 7

He just wanted extra love from you

lacespace 8

Boo it's a criminal master mind!


mintcar 9

You really believed it was haunted? Seriously? Wouldn't be the first thought that comes to mind.

khamaria 4

If you don't already know this is one of the things that ghost do. They open cabinets drawers and turn things upside down. So yes her thinking was very logical.

That's some serious dedication to get some "comforting" in. Throw him a bone and let him win this round :)

SenselessPattern 12

That's a sign of an abusive boyfriend...

Please explain to me how pushing over chairs to get some extra attention from his girlfriend is a sign of him being abusive.

bladedrose 3

Agreed I would love to hear it as well

I'll field that one. Gaslighting is a form of psychological abuse. It's often leveraged by sociopaths and/or abusers to cause their victims to doubt their perceptions of reality. Read "When men batter women: new insights into ending abusive relationships" by Dr. Neil Jacobson and Dr. John Gottman, and "The Sociopath Next Door" by Dr. Martha Stout.

Once or twice is a prank. Doing it for weeks is abusive and controlling. It's abusive because he knows it upsets her. It's controlling because he makes her upset, then pretends to "comfort" her. Yup, time to dump this liar, change the locks, and report any further trouble to the cops.

just remember to never cross the streams!!!

devore504 7

Why would a ghost trash your house? Also ghost dont just show up unless somebody you know died or a baby is born.

devore504 7

How can I put this nicely? It wasn't very well thought out.

devore504 7

77 but your pic of you french kissing an infant sure was. You

sammyjanette 17

You should comfort him with a swift kick of your own.

I don't know why some people are getting mad or saying "dump him." I thinks it's partly sweet and funny the way he did it. Sweet, because he was thinking about her and wanted to spend more time with her. Funny, because, she thought the place was haunted the whole time.