By Anonymous - 14/10/2012 17:03 - Estonia

Today, after weeks of coming home to find my furniture all tipped over, thinking the place was haunted, and accepting my boyfriend's offers to come over and "comfort" me, I came home from work early. I found my boyfriend in the kitchen, kicking over all the chairs. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 775
You deserved it 8 672

Same thing different taste

Top comments

flutter4 7

He just wanted extra love from you

lacespace 8

Boo it's a criminal master mind!


Thats awesome, be thankful he trys so hard hahaha

ideasrule 13

Your furniture got kicked over repeatedly and you thought it was a ghost? Are you ******* kidding me? You did not change the door lock, set up a surveillance camera, or call the police about the break-ins, preferrably all 3 at the same time? I don't usually say this, but you lack the most rudimentary common sense or critical thinking skills. I've known plenty of people who think the world will end in December, or that pushing needles into your skin will magically cure disease, or that their imaginary friend in the sky has given them the absolute truth but nobody else. I can guarantee you that all of them, upon seeing their home trashed, would be rational enough to call the police. They would not ascribe it to some supernatural power. P.S. Yes, I did just find some fancy words to call you an idiot.

I think I would have thought break in the first time. More than I once though, I would have thought it was a ghost too. I mean, how often does one persons house get broken into that often?

ideasrule 13

Let's see. The first time, you think it's a break in, so you change your lock. Then your furniture continues to get knocked over. Hmm...who could possibly have access to my home all the time? There's me, there's my boyfriend, and...well, that's it. I know I didn't knock over the furniture, so who did? Oh God, intractable logic! It's NP-complete! My brain can't handle it! Why does the world have to be so complicated??????

If only it were NP-complete, it's actually undecidable.

63- Wow, you seem like quite the ball of sunshine.

I am pretty sure you just called God imaginary. What right do you have to tell people that they lack common sense and critical thinking skills if they believe in God?

I dropped a glass cup once. Then a ghost shattered it the exact instant it hit the floor.

ideasrule 13

What right do you have to tell people that they lack critical thinking skills if they believe in unicorns? If someone believes there's only 1 unicorn and he's blue, and another believes there's only 1 unicorn and he's red, and the third believes he's yellow, are you telling me that all 3 contradictory beliefs are right? Please, come back when you have something logical to say.

When people start questioning your "right" to attack a belief, it's because they can't actually find a defense against said attack, Ideasrule. If they had a rebuttal, they'd use that instead.

ideasrule 13

@60: Because if you honestly believe in ghosts, you're just as stupid as the OP.

I laughed my ass off at this. Not because she thought the place was haunted, not at all, but the image of a guy just kicking the chairs over. That's his daily routine. It's so funny and disturbing.

He's obviously using the D.E.N.N.I.S system.

Best comment ever? Or best written words ever? Both.

KalCountry76 12

Maybe he's lonely and wanted some more time with you.

AllieGee 9

Hes got the wrong idea....He should just ask if you wanted to stay over instead of scaring the shit out of you...

Megan98 18

I actually think that's kind of sweet...haha.

He was probably just doing it for kicks.

Upsetting someone for WEEKS, for kicks? I'd call that sadistic.

So when your boyfriend was taking advantage of the situation to have sex rather than call ghost-busters you didn't figure it out?