By jill - 08/05/2011 18:25 - United States

Today, after weeks of money slowly disappearing from the stash in my bedroom, I confronted my son about it. I'm not sure which is worse: that my son is a thief or that he actually blamed his father for it. We've been divorced and haven't spoken for eight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 305
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have a stash in your bedroom? Whatever happened to the bank?

mintcar 9

Discipline should be in order. Seriously, who steals money from their own parents?


mintcar 9

Discipline should be in order. Seriously, who steals money from their own parents?

I used to. how else did I buy myself an nokia n95 a n95 8gb and then an htc hero. but I do regret doing that. If I had saved all that cash then the possibilities were endless. ah :'(

SpectSelf 0

I did. I should've been beat for it but I wasn't. I had was a misguided youth.

why would you steal in the first place? if u can't effort it u have to work for it .. thats what I've been learned.

I used to. Never got caught either. Told my parents last year! I'm 35 years old. They laughed. Moral of the story? Be sneakier than they can possibly imagine you are.

Troll_Doll 0

You'd be surprised. Not all kids have respect for their parents or consideration in the fact their parents spent time and energy working for it. Especially if the kid wants to buy something and has been told no, doesn't have enough, or isn't old enough to get a job, ect. I used to steal from my dad's stash of cash in the dresser between the ages of 5 and 12. If you know where it is, then it's also pretty easy to do it and not care while you're still immature.

CODplayer4lyfe 24

We all steal their money for at least 18 years

..At least he didn't blame the ceiling cat that watches him do disturbing things?

BooGhosted 0

Lol I saw that pic tooooo it's amazing I bet he watched his mom more than anything though o

Brandnewuser 0

how old is your son? if he's 8 that's a funny kid if he's a teen or older then that's bad parenting

tjv3 10

15 why does it have to be bad parenting? could be that the son is just a loser and an ass. I'm the middle son and my parents raised me and my two brothers the same way. I have a successful career own my own place etc while both my brothers are complete losers. so obviously kids can turn out bad even when the parents are great parents. it comes down to personal choices

Brandnewuser 0

Each kid is different, you can't raise every kid the same way. That's why parenting is hard.

15: Way to contradict yourself. Idiot. 30: Agree.

not necessarily bad parenting, but I get your point

Congratulations! If you're lucky, you'll be seeing your son on one of those world's dumbest criminal shows!

malpalll 0

my mom calls that a gateway crime.

iAmScrubs 19

At first sight, I misread this FML and wondered why you'd keep your money in your mustache. But seriously OP, Fyl, I'd stay away from your son until he does something major to make up for it.

haha keepin money in her moustache... classic

Beat him with a belt. Once you take money from your parents, all bets are off. I would never do that. Steal money from the person who takes care of you?!

maybe it has something to do with you not speaking to his father for eight years..

my parents havent spoken in 19 years but i dont steal from either of them

SpectSelf 0

beat his ass. take it back to the days of making him grab a switch off a tree so you can whoop his ass with it. **** being passive. kids lack real discipline these days.

Everybody has stolen money from their parents. I did when I was 7

so since you did, everyone has done it... fascinating logic.

oh I agree. if one person does it, then everyone's doing it

I did, but a lot of kids either A. got enough pocket money or B. were too wussy to make the attempt.