By jill - 08/05/2011 18:25 - United States

Today, after weeks of money slowly disappearing from the stash in my bedroom, I confronted my son about it. I'm not sure which is worse: that my son is a thief or that he actually blamed his father for it. We've been divorced and haven't spoken for eight years. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 305
You deserved it 4 453

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you have a stash in your bedroom? Whatever happened to the bank?

mintcar 9

Discipline should be in order. Seriously, who steals money from their own parents?


that is the dumbest shit I've ever heard

krisztian_fml 7

maybe its his way of telling you to talk to his father

i've "stolen" cash from my mom before, but thats only because it was my cash that I earned from work... But still. He needs to be punished, seriously. And what if you're not the only one he was stealing money from??? Not a good sign.

maybe he's telling the truth. OP's logic seems to be the Dad doesn't live there so it's impossible he's stealing her cash. not a lot of lateral thinking going on. we men can be sneaky bastards... get a key cut... 'break-in' (without damaging doors/windows) when OP is not home. I've had things stolen from me before. The thieves certainly didn't move in before robbing me. WTF OP?! you're foolish to dismiss your son's statement out-of-hand.

buff7 1

kinda funny how y'all were quick to blame it on his father. I'd wager the mother is the bad role model, teaching him to lie and having a secret stash... what else was in the stash? hmm?

the question I am somewhat concerned with isn't about the actual theft, it's more about WHY he's stealing, and what is he doing with the money?

I think the dad told the son to do it cause he might be short on cash and how would the son know where it is?! The answer,the dad told the son where cause OP might have kept her money in the same hiding spot for years even before the two split up

rickc87 1

you're a really bad parent. I hope you don't breed anymore.