By Ngbaheir - 20/06/2015 02:36 - United Kingdom

Today, after weeks of my crazy girlfriend avoiding me because she knew I wanted to break up with her, I had no option but to do it by text. She told all my friends, who now think I'm a coward who isn't man enough to break up in person. They didn't even ask for my side of the story. FML
I agree, your life sucks 28 456
You deserved it 5 070

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Well of course they will jump to conclusions because it just looks bad. Just tell them what happened


sounds likw they're not avtually your friends. didnt you talk to them abiur her avoiding you for weeks?

mds9986 24

If she was avoiding you so much you should have just considered yourselves broken up.

Of course they did.... They're guys and that's what guys do. Do it in person or deal with it

leogachi 15

So he should be forced to stay in a relationship he doesn't want to be in?

zeffra13 31

You couldn't call and leave a voicemail? That's at least a little better than text. Still, sorry your friends won't listen.

You had no choice...but still if anyone asks explain your end...that's all you can do

If they don't want to hear your side of the story they aren't really your friends.

You couldn't have just said you needed to talk?

Should've told everyone you know that you've broken up. Word would've gotten to that crazy girl. There's no escaping a dumping.

If she was avoiding you then you've effectively broken up anyhow. She won't have been wanting to hang out or go on a date since she's avoiding you so the best idea would have been to get on with life as though its already happened and to make sure all your friends know she's been avoiding you. If she does happen to make contact after that then BAM, you've got her and can break up properly.

That really sucks. At least you know how it went down and thats what counts. Time to lick your wounds and move on.