By shanannygians07 - 26/01/2014 06:46 - United States - Rialto
shanannygians07 tells us more.
For those of you who said ydi, shit I guess I did! I do have a car but I prefer to spend 3 dollars in gas a month rather that 150!! I work at a restaurant on the waterfront bartending all day so I was tired after a brutal day. When I said it was uphill, I meant uphill, not a gradual incline. It was steep! and very late at night when my EXboyfriend drove by. I certainly didnt look like I chose to walk a moped up a mountain! Thanks guys!
Top comments
break up with the loser
Am I the only who is thinking, it's only two miles...
Two miles is a lot to some people.
And that's the problem. It's only thirty-five minutes of walking. Unless it's bad weather, not an issue.
a) she just got done with a 12 hour shift. anybody would be exhausted after that anyways. b) anything that contains a motor large enough to move not only the object, but about 110 or so pounds on top of however much the object itself weighs, is going to be heavy. so, add a and b together and you come up with c) and exhausted person pulling a very heavy object uphill, and you get d) a douchebag boyfriend who couldnt take 2 seconds to stop and see if she needed any help. BUT, that's assuming there are no variables, such as maybe the bf was not drving his car, but was instead a passenger in the car of a friend who decided to be a jerk and not stop for bf to get out and help.
After a 12-hour shift, two miles is probably a lot. I wouldn't be surprised if OP has the sort of job where she's on her feet all day. It was a really douchey thing for the boyfriend to do--of course, he knew it was her; whoever was driving honked at her and zoomed by. OP, you need to have a serious talk with your boyfriend about not leaving his girlfriend and her broken down scooter stranded, especially when said girlfriend has worked a 12-hour shift. If he apologizes, give him another chance. If he continues to act like an inconsiderate *******, dump his ass.
As someone who used to have to walk everywhere, and was averaging 10 miles a day, I sort of agree with you. But I understand people who aren't used to that, and ESPECIALLY after a long work day, would think 2 miles is a long way.
tell him you can go without sex your whole life
You're boyfriend ain't shit. If I we're you, I would've dump him, sorry. I feel like that's bole as hell....
That would of been my ex boyfriend
Seriously? "Would of"? How did you manage to graduate from primary school speaking like that...
Your boyfriend is a douche canoe.
everyone else says you mean ex boyfriend, I might as well say it to. seriously stfu
2 miles all uphill? I bet it was a gradual slope too. Those are the worst...
you have a scooter u deserved it
Time for a new boyfriend.
So I guess he doesn't feel that phenomenal post-poop feeling when he's around you