By Anonymous - 04/12/2015 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after years of loneliness, I met the most amazing girl on Omegle. We spoke for ages and really clicked. But before either of us could exchange numbers, I lost my internet connection and her along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 945
You deserved it 3 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one thing to do: Run down every street in the world, screaming her name. It's a plan more reliable than your internet service.

pleasedie 22

Well good luck clicking through all of the d**** to find her again.


If you got her first name and last I'm sure you'll be able to look her up. If it's really meant to be you'll find her. :)

Fr0gs 15

Im really sorry man, but what is omegle?

hjds4n5 12

This is one of the saddest FMLs I've read. I am very sorry OP.

I'm so sorry :( I know that struggle. I met my boyfriend of almost two years on there. It's not as bad as everyone says

This is adorable and I seriously hope you find her again! It's be such a cute story for you both :')

Asinger06 1

Don't worry, it was a 60 year old dude.

That sucks OP i hope you find her again

JamJarBinks 20

you can find anyone these days, search facebook. ahe mustnof told you her name?

evank98 10

Ugh that sucks. Good luck finding her again!