By Anonymous - 04/12/2015 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after years of loneliness, I met the most amazing girl on Omegle. We spoke for ages and really clicked. But before either of us could exchange numbers, I lost my internet connection and her along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 945
You deserved it 3 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one thing to do: Run down every street in the world, screaming her name. It's a plan more reliable than your internet service.

pleasedie 22

Well good luck clicking through all of the d**** to find her again.


redframed 12

share the story on Facebook and try to find her!

bigdfootball97 24

Maybe she'll read this FML and you'll be reunited :D

The same thing happened to me with a guy!! We lost connection right before I said what my name was.

ehh.. don't feel too bad, when ever I go on omegle, most people skip me and call the the n-word. maybe omegle isn't the best place to meet someone. but if it was meant to be, then somehow guys will meet again!

I'm surprised you found someone that wasn't jerkin their gerkin

I've had this happen too ): But, a few years later I met my boyfriend. As much as it sucks, it probably wasn't meant to be unless you meet her again by some miracle.

that happened to me. I feel your pain :( I searched for him forever but never could find him.