By Anonymous - 04/12/2015 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after years of loneliness, I met the most amazing girl on Omegle. We spoke for ages and really clicked. But before either of us could exchange numbers, I lost my internet connection and her along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 945
You deserved it 3 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one thing to do: Run down every street in the world, screaming her name. It's a plan more reliable than your internet service.

pleasedie 22

Well good luck clicking through all of the d**** to find her again.


There's only one thing to do: Run down every street in the world, screaming her name. It's a plan more reliable than your internet service.

WonkasMistake 6

I've had this exact thing happen to me before! I met my soul mate before the internet crapped out!

Luxray24 13

I fail to see how one can say they met their soulmate when they only talked for less than a day.

#51, Says the one who never met their soul mate

BamBAmGG 14

If it's truly meant to be you'll find each other again OP. & #51 A lot of things can happen in just one day.

Maybe you could at least find some comfort in that are nice strangers out there whom with you can make a connection and befriend.

I met a wonderful man a few weekends ago on Omegle and we talked for 4 hours. Then we exchanged SnapChat ID's and after a few messages he blocked me. Totally confusing but that was some of the best intellectual conversation I have ever had in my life. I know my story is different than OP's but I figured it was worth saying that even if nothing comes of it, it's nice.

Bad luck but you really shouldn't trust internet chatting sites anyway

Why not? You can meet some wonderful people online. Are you saying you've not spoken to someone you don't know online and ended up enjoying the conversation and adding them as a friend somewhere?

I agree. Some people, sorry MOST people on omegle are fake as **** and are horny 13 year olds looking to see some **** or just old creepy guys

I've catfished guys just because I got bored, it's fun and funny as hell.

NockACD, I curse you and hope your head falls off at an awkward moment.

lexiieeex3 32

"We found love in a hopeless place."

MasterTron 24
ChopSuey444 20

Because Omegle is a video chat site. So he more than likely saw her.

RedPillSucks 31

there are guys who look androdgenous enough to pass

rinoa_fml 10

*She* more than likely saw her.

@23: You can ask talk through chat as well. Maybe that's what they were referring to since you can either text or video.

Dang, that really sucks OP. I agree, FYL. Hope you find someone else that's perfect for you.

pleasedie 22

Well good luck clicking through all of the d**** to find her again.

trellz17 19

Odd, every time I log onto Omegle all I get are horny guys trying to show me their dicks. Hmmmm...

LostInTheZone11 29

I've been on there twice. Once after a 30min+ endeavor of just trying meet someone who's not horny, I found one person to chat to for a little while. Like me she was thankful to find someone who just wanted a pleasant talk.