By Anonymous - 04/12/2015 19:00 - United Kingdom

Today, after years of loneliness, I met the most amazing girl on Omegle. We spoke for ages and really clicked. But before either of us could exchange numbers, I lost my internet connection and her along with it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 25 945
You deserved it 3 350

Same thing different taste

Top comments

There's only one thing to do: Run down every street in the world, screaming her name. It's a plan more reliable than your internet service.

pleasedie 22

Well good luck clicking through all of the d**** to find her again.


pleasedie 22

Look in the bright side, if you find her again at least you'll have an interesting story to tell everyone. " You wouldn't be able imagine how many dicks I had to see to find her again. " You know it'll be a good story when it starts off like that

Maybe if they happened to run into each other in real life somewhere down the line it'd be an okay story, but otherwise, no.

You, my friend, have never heard a good story then.

I think I have your girl. What day was it? Was she alone or with other people?

Did you get her name? Because maybe there's still hope! Tons of people are on Facebook these days.

If theres one thing i know about girls, its that there's a lot of them, im sure you can "click" with others.

maybe you'll get lucky and get her again on Omegle, you never know :) but overall, sorry that the internet crapped out for ya

I met my best friend of over four years on Omegle. It disconnected like that too, but luckily we had exchanged emails beforehand. I'm sorry, OP :(

They actually have a thing for that if you remember about when you started talking go to the bottom of the omegle page, I don't know if they still do it though, good luck:).

If you know where she's from try putting up a missing connections page on Craigslist in her area

Googling my full name results with criminals and a fuckton of people who aren't me. So, that method isn't exactly reliable.

The old saying is, if it was meant to be you'll find your way back to each other. I hope you find her OP!