By bummed - 15/04/2012 07:03 - United States - Cresson

By bummed - 15/04/2012 07:03 - United States - Cresson
By elijahrobrt - 07/01/2012 06:48 - United States
By creeper - 03/09/2009 19:06 - United States
By fuckyou - 21/05/2019 06:00
By Anonymous - 09/11/2020 23:01
By Anonymous - 22/09/2015 02:47 - United States
By annoyed - 02/11/2012 10:37 - United States - Wyoming
By Anonymous - 11/09/2019 20:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 21/07/2013 04:51 - United States - Aurora
By dazed and confused - 17/12/2013 01:50 - United States - Tampa
By Dgama - 17/11/2018 16:00 - United States - Baltimore
That sucks. I wonder what band it was
Guns n roses?
The Wack Eyed Peas maybe?
I ******* love your profile photo dude.
I just made an account just so I could also ask what band it is. They deserve to lose fans for this behavior.
Why the he'll didn't you say yes?!!
Perhaps Blood on the Dancefloor?
Except for OP is from Pennsylvania.
Man, Coldplay can be mean!
One direction, perhaps ?
Was it these guys? -> ?I wish you would step back from that ledge, my friend. Cut ties with all the lies that you've been living in...? (I forget who sings it)
And a good one I might add
It was David Hasselhoff.
Yeah, because bands neeeeeeeeeever have sex with their fans. Ever. o.o
Was it Asking Alexandria..? Sexual bitches hahaha
Third eye blind
Probably One Direction...
You think it was Coldplay? I wondered that too.. Coldplay got me through so much. I love them.
Third blind eye sings that
Steel Panther probably
Yay I'm 3rd
Yay your comment is provably going to be removed.
The band wanted Groupies. Is that how you spell it
Is was a garage band and the lead singer was her brother.
I'd say it was the Lonely Island. If you know what I mean.
Does it mean that it was Lonely Island?
No. It means that it was an overcrowded island of people who didn't get to have sex.
22-only in Arkansas
Excuse me sir, don't be an asshole. Nickleback is the anthem of our generation!!! No, I'm just kidding, they're douches.
Nickel back is my Hero just saying. But chad is a druggy and an asshole. I've met him personally he's my dads best friends cousin. They live in vancouver where most my family is. Don't bother meeting him my as well go meet a brick wall. It's nicer
249- why are Canadian women so freakin beautiful?(or at least all of the ones on here...yes I did creep XD)
Jonathon Davis is actually quite nice, though.
Douches. If you don't appreciate your fans, you don't deserve any.
He appreciated her alright, he appreciated her so much he wanted to screw her brains out. Unfortunately, bands seem to get this mentality that they can sleep with any of their fans, probably cause they have that crowd of girls that follows them around like little stalkers going "OMFG WE LOVE YOU!!!!! **** ME PLEASE!!!!!!" As much as I don't think rejecting the singer is a good reason to get kicked out, I hope you told him to go **** himself and walked out anyways for being a pompous ********
4- You stole my changed joke, which was removed. Find your own jokes
I love how no ones commenting because #20 pretty much just said it all ;)
I'm wondering how common this is. Not the sleeping with every ****** you meet, but the blatant disrespect aspect of it. Anyone watch Jersey Shore? The boys - mainly the Situation and Pauly D - have walked women out of their house on *multiple* occasions when it became clear they weren't giving up the goods. Fame (or douchebag-dom) seems to give guys this weird god-like mentality that everything needs to sleep with them. And guys like this are rude as hell if you don't automatically hop on their cocks. Disgusting.
...And this surprises you 244? I suppose they could just pretend to be interested in what the person is saying for an extra 10 minutes, but what difference does it make? They know what they want, and if they can't get it they move on. I have no respect for anyone from Jersey Shore, but I really see nothing wrong with going after what you want. It's their home, not a petting zoo. If they were escorting people from a public event for that reason you'd have a case, not in their private lives though where what they do is none of your business.
It was walk off the earth; they played the night before
Your joking right?
No he's serious .bazinga.
Before joining the FML community and have the ability to comment, FML should ask people: do you know the difference between their/they're/there and your/you're and have a grammar test. It's really for their protection. Because come on you know this site, you know what happens when you dare to misspell a word.
Yeah, but but the OP doesn't have to bang the singer. They could save a drum and bang a drummer, the OP could hook up with the bassist because they finger better. But the OP should stay away from the guitarist because I heard he broke a G string fingering A minor.
You're not supposed to start a sentence with the word 'because'.
I wasn't aware of that grammar point, so thanks you two for correcting me :). You learn something new everyday with FML it would seem.
And here I thought this site was for fun, not a grammar test, but hey, what do I know.
164, your comment is pure win. :) thank you.
Well you should of done it. They helped you, you help him.
Nothing like thank you sex.
Lol agreed
I disliked it to get it back to 111 likes
And I just disliked it to get 145
FOURTH!! But that sucks.:( FYL indeed.
Ya, no.
didn't your math teacher teach you to check your answers?! cuz yours is wrong
Zayn! You filthy animal, that sounds like something Harry would say!
Is it called desperate when a girl puts her username as a guy in a band that only has one good song?
Actually 18 good songs.
Actually I think they'd both say that.
Meh actually around 3 good songs. Don't give them extra.
I wasn't aware sex was something you could give. I figured it was more, you know, something you had (like having a cup of coffee or having a bath) Next time I'm not in the mood I'll just give my fiancé the gift of sex, rather then not doing it!
And let's not worry about STDs or anything like that!
More like 0 good songs
**** yeah she was! have you SEEN the internet videos of Tommy Lee and his baby arm? D:
OP obviously knew a drummer would spank that harder!
If the guitarist knows how to finger pick, you should have gone for him
The Drummer knows how to keep rhythm and pound the hell out of ya while doing so! Not To mention the co-ordination!
Wow thats upsetting...I bet listening to their music is weird now
WCARLover I love all the bands in your bio. Except RED, I've never heard of them.
You have good taste then
So do you then
RED is awesome. Look them up on YouTube.
They are indeed
Asking Alexandria has sold out though, their attitudes are shit. :|
we came as Romans is amazing I saw them live at warped last year and RED is actually a pretty decent band
You should look up Im William Cutting on YouTube and facebook. That's my friends band and they're pretty good, you might like them.
Douches. If you don't appreciate your fans, you don't deserve any.
That sucks. I wonder what band it was