By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India

By Dockin - 14/02/2019 15:37 - India
By anonymous - 11/01/2015 19:10 - United States - Iowa City
By Anonymous - 31/05/2016 15:30 - Canada - Saint John
By Penny - 17/10/2021 02:00
By Caution - 02/10/2018 22:00
By BloodyNoseMcgee - 11/10/2018 15:30
By ouch - 26/06/2010 14:23 - Canada
By Anonymous - 03/06/2022 12:00
By caitywebbkid - 11/12/2016 15:56 - Australia - Perth
By charapos - 06/02/2022 12:00
By Anonymous - 10/04/2023 22:00 - Unites States
That's really sexy OP
i did the same thing
LolxD most definitely
I'm pretty sure glasses are least the newer ones are, you don't want shards sent into your eyes whenever someone bumps into you. they just crack but they don't shatter.
Next time make sure not to get any glass in your ass OP.
Threw it on da ground!! You can't buy me hotdog man!
156 u fail at puns
I had no idea a pair of glasses had such deadly capabilities! O_o
Ha ha ha good one
Ahahhahaha sorry OP. I wonder how your gonna shit now XD
.......ah HA! I get it!!!!
So punny
62- But, by stating that, have you not stated the obvious yourself? I mean, you did mention that we can all see what she did there. Think about it...
*Badum tss*
Sitting is way overrated, lying is the shit!
I actually did that once but I didn't cut myself I only broke the frames on my glasses
It's ok...
Two Fallout profile pics in a single thread. Make that three because mine is a Cazador.
Nice one...
I dont think there isnt gonna be any anal sex today.
OP - You are lucky you didn't lay down on your stomach and slice your dick off!
ya u know cause ur dick is on ur stomach
Literally the worst effort at an insulting nickname I've ever heard. Fail.
Using fail is stupid. You lose!
the only thing worse is using "epic fail"
Gotta suck big time ;)
42 - stop being a twat :)
175 - fail was a fad. It's now done. Therefore, your the twat :)
And it's a bit awkward making out with your glasses on.
What a rebel!
She's foreign. It's sexy to them
37 stole the words right out of my mouth. Personally OP could've just put his glasses on his collar, that's what I usually do. And I can tell you from personal experience that depending on the frame, it can be near impossible to make out with your glasses on
Just a stray thought here: you bleed, you clot. Sounds like you would come closer to super glueing your crack shut, rather than facilitating easy movement.
i was thinking the same thing. hella wierd laying on the floor... where were they?
So so true...
i imagined an abandoned wharehouse with rat shit and puddles from leaky pipes. hella nasty
Such a pain in the ass.
Because throwing your glasses on the ground is just sooo sexy.