By Anonymous - 07/10/2010 04:39 - United States

Today, after years of waiting, my mom and I finally received a check from Child Support Services. Excited, I opened it up to find a check from my dad, written out for 45 cents. Which pays for maybe half a loaf of bread. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 842
You deserved it 3 476

Same thing different taste

Top comments

FFML_314 11

Your dad is a worthless piece of trash. Count your blessings that you don't have a dead beat like that in your life.

ask your mom for 55 more cents and you can buy a whole chocolate bar


my friend bought a loaf of bread at yarget for 64 cents

neoncookie16 0

your dad is a ******* DOUCHE bag. don't doubt it honey don't doubt

thebaibai26 12

I totally understand. My dad has done similar stuff for 17 years.

what a dead beat. you will get your money one day. my mom has waited awhile now and she's getting ready to get a big chunk of change. just wait until he files social security or gets on disability, you'll get money then. I can't stand parents who don't take care of their kids. my son is my world!! :-)

mad_hatter0666 22

your dad is a douche bag. he's just trying to send a message that he doesn't have to pay child support. my dad is the same way.

SONiC79 0

where do u score 90 cent bred?

wriptidez 0

why do some so called dads think abandoment is ok