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By Rachael - 01/07/2011 03:08 - United States

Today, as a part of my job, I took a couple around to look at houses that are on sale. After driving them around and looking at tons of houses, the wife said, "Okay. I think we have enough decorating ideas." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 078
You deserved it 2 922

Same thing different taste

Top comments

iAmScrubs 19

As a realtor, I lock every door in the houses I show my clients and don't open them until they agree to purchase the house. It is a very good technique.

flockz 19

kill thrm and wrap their bodies in the drapes. that's a nice little decorating touch that they should enjoy.


violetdabomb 0

OP, it's your job and you get paid for it so quit complaining. I have to take care of a 6 year old every day for free :/

sourgirl101 28

20, the OP sounds like a realtor and will ONLY get paid when she sells a home. FYL OP because those people could have just watched a few episodes of HDTV for that.(:

iLikeGirlsFeet 0

Aw I bet your feet are tired from all that walking huh. I could rub them all over if you want. ;)


Haha, your name matches with your comment. FTW!

crackiebob 0

man #49 is a creeper. damn. op get over it, it's just not your day.

carmenm 6

realtors get paid whether they sell houses or not, they would just get an extra commission if they sell a house

Use Google to find decorating tips.

Haha. Sounds like something my parents would do… look at houses for sale to get decorating ideas. Maybe they're the couple in this FML. Sorry OP.

Rainhawk94 27

your're not suppose to be payed to be responsible

At least the OP found out the couple's ulterior motives instead of following up with them later, cultivating the contact some more, and wasting even more time and energy. But, such are the risks and challenges involved in being a realtor. Perhaps now you know what to look out for. Still, I'd be pretty pissed about the waste of gas.

hey 50, You're in the wrong place. You should be part of Al Gore's team.

Not sure what you mean. I don't concern myself with all that scaremongering. Pretty sure humans are doomed anyway, so I'll just live my life and try to enjoy it to the fullest. What I meant was the waste of my hard-earned money on the gas to drive those people around all day. That's what would piss me off, if anything.

then what happened? you forgot to include the part where your life is F'd...

flockz 19

kill thrm and wrap their bodies in the drapes. that's a nice little decorating touch that they should enjoy.

I would've (personal opinion) killed them, hung them from the balcony, took glamour shots, framed them and sent them to their kids to hang up on their wall

You sir, are very morbid and depressing. Good day.

I would've just stopped the car and punch them in the face. Make them sign the contract.

that's rude but at you're getting paid some big bucks for that type of job!

*at least*- there I made a correction to all you grammar nazis out there :P

Aren't these guys paid on commission? I wouldn't know, I live in a pond.

MerrikBarbarian 9

actually no. realtors are paid on commission. no sale, no pay

My dad's a real-estate agent, so I'm pretty sure that driving them around is only PART of the job. They have to sell the house too, so that couple wasted her entire day.

24 - true but there will eventually be more customers and someone will definitely buy the house

30-I don't know about definitely. It could take a while.

32- yeah especially in this economy

Yeah, dude. The reals tate market is way down. My dad makes a lot of his money from foreclosures.

that's good bro! At least he's putting food on the table!

lmao Good for us, not so good for the people losing their houses...

yeah dude, let's just hope someday something good will turn up for those people

VinegarStrokes 0

You guys should probably have gay sex now... It's the only logical next step, right?

iAmScrubs 19

As a realtor, I lock every door in the houses I show my clients and don't open them until they agree to purchase the house. It is a very good technique.

sourgirl101 28

Your profile is funny! Not everyone is willing to admit that they can sometimes be a "chicken in the hole".

Sounds like a shitty technique in my opinion. They have to see the house in order to decide if they want to buy it. Now, verifying that your clients are actually buying before you show a house is different, but refusing to show it unless they're already agreeing to buy it is ridiculous.

Alysin 14

I would've been like "do you know how to tuck and roll?"

You shouldve punched both of them, then steal all their money as pay for you driving them around

This isn't Grand Theft Auto. You go ahead and try that, and when you get ****** up, I do hope we see you again as the OP of an FML. :}

why doesn't she just look at magazines and decide from there, instead of wasting YOUR time! some people in this world are so stupid they should come up with ideas them selves

hitler came up with an idea himself

BooGhosted 0

Your pic is depressing ha.