By Shodan2112 - 18/02/2011 15:25 - United States

Today, as I go to a small private Christian college, the academic dean came up to me and asked me to put some old records on CD, since I have a record player that can do that. I had to listen to eight records of old students from the 1970's singing bible thumper Christian hippie music. FML
I agree, your life sucks 27 039
You deserved it 9 653

Same thing different taste

Top comments

dudeitsdanny 9

1. Why go to school there when it seems like you disagree with their views? 2. Why did you do it? He couldn't force you, could he? 3. No volume control? I don't know about record players, but if they do have one, that could have been easily fixed.

BahahahLOL 0



im athiest ( dosent mean i disrespect your religion) but suck it up buttercup

I was an atheist in a Christian school. (My parents forced me to go.) You could've simply told the man that you weren't interested in doing it. Then again, you really didn't have to listen... It's called volume control..? I also had to listen to shit similar to that. Since it's over and done with, suck it up and move on.

Christians afraid of getting low, they scared they scared. But seriously, I would'nt last in a Christian school. More power to you.

music_is_love51 0

It seems as though you'd ruin your reputation of a good Christian if you'd said no. I go to a Christian school as well, and I REEEALLY don't enjoy it...

that's why never mention you got any thing worth while for people to abuse

rockon10 3

did you really just use the term bible thumper when you're the one going to a Christian college? if you don't like the people there then don't go there. otherwise get a new 'cool nick name' for the people you go to college with. That's not cool.

I went to PCC, a small christian college and it sucked ass. Only got to listen to hymns.

Hellz yeah for hippie music........not so much for the Christian part tho Dx I'm sorry man