By milked - 27/02/2015 05:28 - United States

Today, as I was about to have sex with my husband, I said I wanted to "spice things up." Apparently, our ideas weren't the same. He yanked my nipples as hard as he could and said, "Yeah, you like that?" FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 414
You deserved it 6 867

Same thing different taste

Top comments

B1ackthesun 31

Maybe it's just me but if you didn't specify what you meant by 'spice things up' then you deserve it. You can't give vague descriptions like that and expect them to get it right. For some nipple yanking is the best.... For you not so much, but if you didn't tell your partner what you had in mind then you can't blame them for not knowing.


Is that when you pulled out the strapon and gag?

Yank on his dick and ask if he likes that.

B1ackthesun 31

Maybe it's just me but if you didn't specify what you meant by 'spice things up' then you deserve it. You can't give vague descriptions like that and expect them to get it right. For some nipple yanking is the best.... For you not so much, but if you didn't tell your partner what you had in mind then you can't blame them for not knowing.

Yanking nipples is not the first thing that come through my mind when I her "spice things up".

#16 i have no idea why people are upvoting your comment. She wasn't being vague. It was her opening sentence. She hadn't yet had any opportunity to describe what she wanted. And instead of just defaulting to causing her pain, her boyfriend could have asked her, 'what did you have in mind?' Or he could have made a suggestion. At the very least he could have pinched her nipples a LITTLE harder than normal and then gauged her reaction.

#63 I completely agree with you, and what's worse is that this FML is about her husband!! By now he should know what she means by 'spice things up' and not resort to hurting her

XBurytheCastleX 25

Next time, you should do it to him. Does he not user stand how sensitive boob nipples are?

Boob nipples? As opposed to all the other kind of nipples?

I think she means female nipples as apposed to male

Perhaps, but they are still the same. Nipples are nipples, science lesson time! The reason males even have nipples is because we all start out as female, then our genetics take over.

Fairly certain that all men are VERY familiar with how sensitive body parts can be.

Badkarma4u 17

Husband tries somethung different. Asks you if you like it? THAT MONSTER!!!!

she said she wanted to spice things up. that was her way of opening it for convo. But he jumped to nipple pulling? that sucks. Trust me. Maybe open up the convo again when he dosnt have access to your body parts? fyl

He is on the 50 Shades of Gray kick. Most women have read the book and are talking about seeing the movie. With all the talk he may have thought you wanted to try it. Talk with him op. The term "spice things up" is open to a lot of stuff. Talk about what you want to try in detail before you get in the bedroom. No misunderstandings that way.Good luck op.

50 shades of wanker. As in go f**k urself cause these legs are now closed.