By NotInMiddleSchool - 20/11/2009 17:24 - United States

Today, as I was yelled at by a middle school teacher in front of 30 6th graders for breaking the rule of "no cell phones in school." Luckily, I escaped being sent to the office after explaining I'm a 21 year old college student doing student teaching observations, not a middle schooler. FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 508
You deserved it 5 119

Same thing different taste

Top comments

perdix 29

I'm glad you're getting your lessons in double standards and hypocrisy! I'll bet you smugly chew gum in class (and didn't bring enough for everyone!)

I know how you feel. I worked as a TA at my former HS for 4 months last fall and got escorted to the front desk for suspiciously walking around. I'm 23, had a scheduled appointment and they didn't believe that i wasn't a student.


FYL that you're training to be a teacher but you don't understand simple grammer.

dspadres 0

Don't you just hate spelling words wrong when trying to put someone in their place?

That happens to me all the time...I'm 5 feet tall and look like I'm like...14, but I'm 18.

ummm. jessegoose, you do not look fourteen. at all. get over urself. u look 18. if anything u look older.

LollyPop1 0

haha wow that sucks! People also think I'm way younger than I am :| To make you feel better: It would also have sucked for the teacher that was yelling at you xD haha Can you imagine: Today, I started yelling at one of my 6th graders because she was using her cell phone in class and so I sent her to the office. Turns out she wasn't a 6th grader but a 21 year old college student who was observing the class. FML :D

heartlessagony 0

Same thing happened to me when I was picking up my little sister. I graduated from that school about 4 years ago. =/

I got yelled at for skipping class when I was doing my student-teacher observations at a middle school.

alex_vik 0

Shouldn't the teacher have known beforehand that you'd be in the class?

YDI for not being able to make a complete sentence, despite being 21 years old and studying to be a teacher.

Erniesduck123 0

No kidding, this FML was worded so poorly, I was confused as I tried to figure out what was happening "As I was yelled at..." The OP should be embarrassed of herself.

Just admit it... you weren't observing anything. You were just texting and ignoring what you were supposed to be doing.

squeakybaby1309 0 is better than FML!!!!! :)!

MLIA doesn't make me feel better when I have a bad day.... FML does :)

poeticpunk77 0

this has nothing to do with this post...

Seriously, YDI. I am currently doing my student teaching observations, and my professor made it very, VERY, clear that your cell phone or iPod does not belong on your person while you are at your placement. Leave them at home, lock them in your car, whatever works, but do NOT bring them into the classroom.