By Anonymous - 05/02/2016 12:37 - Australia - West End

Today, as my brother parked in our hotel's parking lot, I told him to be careful because the car wasn't straight. He retorted, "Yeah, just like you". My mother was in the back seat and heard everything. I hadn't come out yet. FML
I agree, your life sucks 22 772
You deserved it 3 085

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That is so unfair. Your brother shouldn't have done that. Anyway, use I hope you used the opportunity to your advantage. Goodluck Op.


Seriously, what the ****? You could have just played it off as a friendly joke instead of flipping out like you probably did. What is with all these people calling your brother horrible? Take a joke!

ElmoSP3 14

Just because he called you gay in front of your mother and you just so happened to be gay, doesn't mean that she now know's you're gay. She might just think of it only as two brothers teasing each other.

Maybe your gay ass should embrace it and be proud. Good job brother

Quiet_one 22

If your mom is the type to react really badly, chances are she'd believe you if you played it off like your brother was just teasing. People are very likely to believe you if you just tell them what they want to hear. If your living situation makes you feel like you need to, you can use that to your advantage. My brother's boyfriend spent both Thanksgiving and Christmas with us and my other brothers have called him gay in front of our (bigoted, majorly homophobic, asshole) dad, and Dad still hasn't caught on. He thinks the boyfriend is just a friend and the brothers are just being immature. He openly wonders when that brother's going to get a girlfriend and he's made comments about not wanting to associate with gay people, but doesn't act any different around his gay son and really seems to like the boyfriend. Bro is out to the rest of the family, but until he's no longer financially dependent on our dad this is working for him.

she's a mother, she's probably suspected but wanted you to be open about it. you only have one life, love it fully as who you are not who someone expects you to be.

my sister and friends have done the same thing to me so many times...

Sometimes our parents already know. But yes ur brother is an ass. U can play it off if ur not ready or take it as an opportunity to telling her

How rude of him but atleast now it's out. Or you're out.