By Scorned - 16/09/2018 06:00

By Scorned - 16/09/2018 06:00
By whysheheartless - 03/11/2009 07:24 - United States
By Anonymous - 04/02/2013 17:17 - United States - Durham
By fuck you, Odin, FUCK YOU - 03/03/2014 22:35 - United States - Los Angeles
By Anonymous - 22/04/2015 14:24 - United States - Altamonte Springs
By Wronged - 21/09/2009 10:53 - Singapore
By fuck russia and fuck georgia too - 09/03/2014 18:38 - Azerbaijan
By sexisntfun - 30/03/2015 02:13 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/05/2021 04:01
By Cinnamon - 18/07/2011 00:04 - Jamaica
By Anonymous - 17/11/2019 18:00
You dont want to lose your V card to someone like that anyways. The right person will come along eventually and it will be magical.
It’s completely the opposite for us guys. To us, our virginity is an albatross around our necks we want to get rid of as soon as we can.
But magic isn't real. So you're saying that OP should stay a virgin forever.
Yeah, only that most of the time losing your virginity is not magical at all but just a painful minute or two.
Been there. Next time cover for lack of experience by asking what your partner likes. That way you are not inexperienced but thoughtful.
But why be so dishonest? OP is better off without that person.
OP, trust're better off, trust me
I don't understand why women act like that. bitch you were a virgin once too.... sheesh. obviously, she wasn't worth your time. also, ignore people who will say your first time will be all special and shit... it won't be. you'll last max 30 seconds and it'll be embarrassing but a good girl will just smile and wait til you're ready to go again.
Agreed theres nothing special about your first time although I dont know about the 30 second thing that may be just you
Yeah only the ones who smile at bad unfulfilling sex are the good ones.
Inexperience (aka virginity) can be a deal breaker. Maybe she wants a lover that already knows what to to and what he likes, and to avoid dealing with the learning process. It sucks, but it's her right. Op will find someone who doesn't mind I'm sure.
Why did you blurt that out? You shoulda just kept that nugget to yourself!
maybe you should've shut up until after
It was sweet of you to share the info but you would think something like that would come up before your first session, so that she’s not randomly blindsided. Breaking up with you over it was a bit much though. Next time be upfront and the right person would love it.
Aww the misogynist said that women are actually people. The world is good after all!
You dont want to lose your V card to someone like that anyways. The right person will come along eventually and it will be magical.
Been there. Next time cover for lack of experience by asking what your partner likes. That way you are not inexperienced but thoughtful.