By Embarassed - 24/08/2011 02:44 - United Kingdom

Today, at a party I bumped into a friend of my ex. We caught the same bus home. He started telling me about my ex's "totally insane" ex-girlfriend. He refused to believe me when I told him he was talking about me. I had to sit there for half an hour as my personality was ripped to shreds. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 156
You deserved it 5 866

Same thing different taste

Top comments

At least you don't give off an immediate vibe of douchey-ness if he didn't even know it was you.


Dear OP, Gd it. Ooooookay. Unless you put out a "please talk to me about third parties" vibe, none of this is a cosmic coincidence. I smell mind-games; a lot about this post doesn't add up. Are you prone to rambling on about your friend's crappy ex-boyfriend to random people and/or merely social associates? Let's just say yes for sake of argument... why *tolerate* listening to guy rant about his friend's supposedly crazy ex? Was he hot? Like hot enough to just let him talk? If you knew he was your ex's friend, was it 30 minutes into the conversation that you considered he was speaking of you? Did it take 30 minutes to convince him to *not* talk about his friend's crazy ex, at which point it was revealed to be you? Was it a 30 minute verbal fishing expedition where you were simply unsure until 30 minutes in when revealed BY you? Ugh... Occam says he knew you were his friend's ex, he wants/has wanted you, and this is his approach to flirting. With you.

Hi your a dick go get a life and quit ranting like someone cares what you say!

...I'll grant the dick accusation, buuuut... isn't telling someone to get a life on an online message board a little contradictory, given the context? Anyway, I can safely assure you that my 'rants' do not require people to care, as evidenced by the thumbs-downs. Thanks for caring though!

Well, at least the friend thinks you're nice enough to NOT be this crazy ex-girlfriend.

romanianboi 0

ur just a crappy person obviously

lol I've said it before and I'll say it again, look up "Pulling Out - Psycho Snatch" on youtube.

I wouldn't worry about it. Since when does anybody ever have anything nice to say about their exes? Besides if he talks about you that much it must be a coping mechanism... His only way to deal with you gone.

coolfml3279 1

Don't worry about it, OP. Most douches use the "crazy ex" as an excuse for being dumped. It seems many men can't be honest about their own flaws, so it must have been the other person who caused everything. The way a man talks about his ex says a lot, A LOT about him.