By eun - 09/04/2009 01:42 - Canada

Today, at lunch I was running to my group's table with my friend. She accidentally tripped me, and I slid across the café floor face first on my belly. The whole cafeteria was silent. They then broke out in hysterics when the head janitor ran up to me and yelled 'SAFE!' like a baseball umpire. FML
I agree, your life sucks 72 258
You deserved it 12 443

Same thing different taste

Top comments

What an awesome sense of humor. That would have been hilarious.

This is where you stand up and puts your hands up and say, "Woo hoo!"


darcyledgestone 0

I love that janitor!!!! Stuff like that used to happen to me in high school. You just have to be able to laugh at yourself along with everybody else :)

that janitor rules. you should own that, its not like you were the clumsy one. You should've hopped up and given the janitor a high five.

omeitsmc 2 janitor, btw...

just laugh about it, and it will go down as how awesome the janitor was, not how clumsy u r.

Why is this a 'FML'? This is hilarious!!

Ouch. Were you bleeding after that? Last time I got tripped (I heard later from a witness that it was intentional) they tripped me on asphalt and both of the knees of my pants were torn up. I just got up and kept running again because I had to catch the bus, since it was going to leave soon (the reason I was running and they were able to trip me in the first place, they only gave about 5 minutes from the end of the school day to get to the buses on the other side of the school), but when I got home after the bus ride I found out that both of my knees were bleeding and my hands were scraped up. The janitor was cool though in your situation.

Hahahaha I would have laughed too. I actually laughed when I fell down the stairs one time.

tuff_it_out 0

i would have loved to seen that! not to like purposely laugh at you, but can you imagine how many people were feeling bad at that time and you made them feel better by laughing. i think thats awesome i wish the janitors in my school were that cool.