By fuckmyjob - 19/06/2014 20:10 - United States - Lake Charles

Today, at my first day working at Walmart, a customer asked if we have any egg cookers. I said I wasn't sure, but that I'd be "eggstatic" to go ask for him. The first clue I got to suggest he hated puns was him yelling "Don't get smart with me, boy!" and then threatening to kill me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 019
You deserved it 10 175

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I guess you were walking on eggshells after that.

revan546 24

I thought it was an eggcellent pun OP


popprock 13

What a jerk. He needs to chill out just a tad.

Can't cook an omelet without breaking a few eggs!

fearlesscooldude 12
CyberGothic 16

Your typical low intelligence type doesn't like being shown up. And in my experience, a depressingly high percentage of people you'll run into on the average day are the low intelligence type. Chive on...

It's an even higher percentage when your day is spent in a Walmart

My first job was Walmart. Customers like that are a weekly event. I had one pull a knife on my manager because we had no paper plates left.

EndOfSekrets 13

Welcome to the wild world of Walmartians!!

Dont let one bad "egg" stop you OP, most people appreciate humor like that.

First mistake: getting a job at wal-mart

yes, no one looking for work should ever accept a job offer when it arises

Your customer also needs a carton of smokes.

A down voted comment! I have egg on my face.

YDI - Never use puns or similar humor on people who dont know you, especially if they are customers or someone helping you.

91hayek 31

Sometimes it works but I get what you mean. If you're having a bad day the last thing you want is a pun and the the person saying standing there cheesily grinning or wiggling their eyebrows in self satisfaction. That's when you give them a pun of your own with ch on the end.

Obviously this man has mental issues to go and threaten to kill the OP. Any person in the right mind would at least awkward laugh.