By christmaswillneverend - 02/01/2013 00:18 - United States - Red Lion

Today, at my four-year-old daughter's insistence, I looked for - and found - a radio station that plays "Santa music" all year round. She's ecstatic and I can't turn it off without upsetting her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 026
You deserved it 11 610

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Don't let your kids become your boss, show your kid who's in charge. Or learn to love Santa music

The_Tool1 13

That's when you throw the radio away and tell her you don't know what happened to it.


Who is the parent here? I have no sympathy for you. I do feel sorry for your daughter, though. Without firm guidance, she's going to have a really tough time adjusting to the real world.

ctlnaaia71 8

Hey, you are the mom! You're raising a brat.

onorexveritas 23

I bet you can't wait until she falls asleep

You ever heard of parenting?? Do it now or you'll be sorry! Trust me! I've raised 4 kids, 3 boys & 1 girl! You have to lay the law down now! I've never had a moment of trouble out of any of my kids! You know why? I parented them! I taught them right from wrong & how to behave! The youngest is 18 & graduating this year! He's been on the honor roll his whole life! One's a successful musician, my daughter works for Dept of Homeland Security & my 22 yr old has some mental defects!

Oh yeah! She's 4, why would you even look for a station like that? You so deserve it! You should've just told her that Christmas is over & there's no Christmas music now!!! I can't even express how much you deserve it!!! To you people thumbing down my comments, talk to me when you've raised 4 kids! Not to mention other people's kids I've raised also! That number would be closer to 10 kids raised here!!!!!!

KM96 24

Awww well she'll have to learn about disappointment sometime in life ... :S

Um aren't you the parent? Turn it off and after a while she will get over it.

When you found it you should have denied that it existed.......she probably wouldn't have argued

Spottedfeather 7

Give her a handful of christmas cds and a boombox with a set of headphones. It's the only way she'll be able to hear Christmas music now. The radio doesn't play it after new years.