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By Sheggie - 30/01/2010 05:06 - Australia

Today, I found a wallet belonging to some guy, it had $355 inside. Because he had his address written inside, I decided to return it, hoping for a reward. I drove for 40 minutes and finally got to his house during peak hour. All he did was say, "Oh, cool." FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 682
You deserved it 15 112

Same thing different taste

Top comments

spiderman0606 0

Drug money. But you don't do something for the reward, you do it because you feel it's right. YDI.

birds_fml 7

Holy crap entitled much? Instead of doing something for a reward, why don't you do it because it's the right thing to do? And how is he supposed to know that you drove for 40 minutes? What I would've done is turn it in to the police, or if I found it in the store, turned it in to the store manager, rather than driving for 40 minutes and then expecting a reward for not stealing it. It's ridiculous how people expect to be rewarded for not doing the wrong thing. Plus, how do you know you returned it to the right person? It had an address written inside? That could've been the address of a friend's house, or a house someone needed to make a delivery to. Maybe you just gave the wallet to a stranger who decided to pretend it was his to keep the money.


YDI for having your hopes up. but great act of kindness right there lol 

Yeah! You burned off some Karma... oh wait... you expected a reward. Nm

cucuto89 0

yea dude the best acts of kindness go unrewarded.

natedog193 0

hey thats great for karma at least

Whooligan 0

Hmm, Ass. glad he didn't get anything. Idiot shouldn't do things for a reward. Maybe for a thanks better than he got, but not a reward. But I will point out that he only says their was $355 in it. he never denies taken some after je counts it.

No good act goes unpunished? No act in which you expect to be rewarded do you actually deserve to get a reward, what did you expect him to say? If you wanted money, he would have assumed that you would have taken it and not left it in the wallet.

Maddoctor 10

I'm sure a lot a people would have expected something more than what the OP got. If not money, than maybe a little more gratitude than "oh cool." Maybe an "Oh wow, thank you so much. I didn't even know it was missing but I'm sure I would have freaked when I found out."

Hot_Gurl4556 0
Reyo 2

Shoulda slipped a C note out of the sum when you had the chance. Chances are he wouldn't have noticed. If he offers you a reward, just refuse to take it. *waits for flaming comments*

I would have found his phone number, called him and told him where I live so HE can drive 40 minutes in peak hour to pick it up... Definitely not drive to his house though.. Maybe slip a few bucks out as a finder's reward too.

You couldn't just be happy to have given the wallet back? Jerk...

I found $10 last week....... it was may uncles money...... but i still kept it. :)

pipp360 0

my fallout 3 karma sucks balls

amazinggbaby 2

Atleast you did something good, your bound to have something good come your way:)

u don't get rewarded if u expect something in return

tiancai 0

Seriously what a dumbass, I'd just take the $355 as a reward and drop the wallet in the nearest mailbox.

Keep them next time :P no chance he will give you a reward bigger than the amount in the wallet, so you earn more keeping it :D

spiderman0606 0

Drug money. But you don't do something for the reward, you do it because you feel it's right. YDI.

Agreed, but still, a "thank you" would have been nice.

"But there's only $235 in here! I KNOW I had $355!" "What? That's how I found it." "You took the money out! You bastard!" "Why would anyone take a random amount of money out of a wallet then return the rest? That would be retarded. You must have just forgotten spending it." "Yeah, I guess you're right." ^ If you want a reward, pull something like that instead. As long as you can convince them, you get the gratitude, no suspicion or enemies, some gas money and a little extra yourself, and he gets $235 more than he expected to get back if he had a brain in his head at all. Everybody wins.

A lot of people would be aware of how much money they had. Especially guys with that kind of amount. Try telling someone they had over $100 less than they thought and chances are they'll call bullshit. If you're going to steal money and then present the owner with the remainder he could very easily report you to the police and it would be entirely your fault for being an idiot. If you're going to be a dick, steal the money and throw away the wallet. If you're going to be a nice person give it all back. But OP, that sucks for you. Maybe next time just hand it into a police station (with or without the cash, THEY won't know how much was supposed to be in there 'till you're long gone).

Aware maybe, but how confident? OP's recipient didn't really sound like he cared that much upon getting it back, and probably wouldn't have noticed the amount. I generally have an idea of what amount is in my wallet, but I'm never exact on it. I can't think of a single person I've even met who I could point at and ask "how much money is in your wallet right now?" and they'd give me an exact figure. Also, it would be rude for him to sit there and count the money while you're still at his doorstep. He can look and see whether money is in it or not, but not how much there is just at a glance. But assuming he calls you out on it, how the hell would the police make a difference? The wallet would have been laying there for an unspecified period of time prior to its return, and anyone could have taken the money. No proof. (Although I did forget to mention that you always say you found it a block or two away from where it actually was.) "If you're going to be a dick, steal the money and throw away the wallet. If you're going to be a nice person give it all back." See? That's EXACTLY the reason the system works. It's always one extreme or the other, so no one expects the middle!

if you dont have a police record (no prints in a database) you could always have just left the wallet wrapped in todays newspaper at the foot of his door (so neighbors dont suspect anything) and keep all the cash....

I'm not advocating extremes, I'm advocating common sense. The kind of guy who is rude enough not to thank a person returning a lost wallet would almost certainly be rude enough to count it in front of you. Plus stealing a quarter of what was in the wallet is pretty similar to stealing the whole amount morally. You are still taking what doesn't belong to you, just without big enough balls to got the whole hog. See? That's EXACTLY the reason the system works. People feel no guilt about ripping others off, so long as they do it in small amounts. Every damn day. I can have a soap box too. ;)

birds_fml 7

Holy crap entitled much? Instead of doing something for a reward, why don't you do it because it's the right thing to do? And how is he supposed to know that you drove for 40 minutes? What I would've done is turn it in to the police, or if I found it in the store, turned it in to the store manager, rather than driving for 40 minutes and then expecting a reward for not stealing it. It's ridiculous how people expect to be rewarded for not doing the wrong thing. Plus, how do you know you returned it to the right person? It had an address written inside? That could've been the address of a friend's house, or a house someone needed to make a delivery to. Maybe you just gave the wallet to a stranger who decided to pretend it was his to keep the money.

mm02 0

This pretty much sums up what I wanted to say.

hypergrafia 1

"Address written inside" as in written on the wallet. Not written on a scrap of paper inside the wallet. The man whose wallet he returned? He's the ******** behind the reason wallets DON'T get returned. FYL, OP.

Are you a moron? The address written on the ID inside.

OP didn't say anything about a reward. How about a 'thank you?' Getting back credit cards and ID cards, photos... pain in the ass.

yessirfosho 0

# 56 learn to read "I decided to return it hoping for a reward" that was his sole reason in returning it.

HermonieGranger 0

Honestly, who thinks like that? Most people just keep it. pssh.

catkat1988 17

The best thing to do, of course, if you find a wallet belonging to someone who lives 40 minutes away, is to call them and tell them you got their wallet, then they can come to you and pick it whenever and whereever it suits you. You can't really expect a reward, even though it would be nice, but a guy with both legs intact is perfectly capable of getting his own wallet, so that the person who found it without stealing his money doesn't have to go through a lot of trouble and gas money to return it.

Why would you drive it to him? Get him to come pick it up, or give it to the police. Dumbass.

He brought the wallet to him hoping for a reward, duh.

Radi0Waves 0

You could write him a sarcastic letter since you have his address, and end up with a big ugly head in your living room.