By Mayabie - 16/10/2011 21:08 - France

Today, at my job in a cosmetics department, I was helping a customer find something to her taste. She said, "I want a lipstick like yours. Something that says, 'I'm a bitch'." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 197
You deserved it 6 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Trust me, you don't need any help in that department!"


perdix 29

Guys love the bitches! Your lipstick must be perfect. And it's much cheaper than the Corvette a guy has to buy to say "I'm an asshole," which is what the girls love.

bizarre_ftw 21

That Can be meant in a good way, assuming you weren't going for the completely opposite idea

g_ayvel 11

Some customers are just Tht mean:/

Should have told her she already had some on!

So what color lipstick were you wearing exactly?

g_ayvel 11

How Does that show she needs to learn better customer service? If anything I think it shows the customer is rude