By Mayabie - 16/10/2011 21:08 - France

Today, at my job in a cosmetics department, I was helping a customer find something to her taste. She said, "I want a lipstick like yours. Something that says, 'I'm a bitch'." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 197
You deserved it 6 402

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Trust me, you don't need any help in that department!"


dont think you need a shade of lipstick to proove that honey

leadman1989 15

I read your profile TOTALLY TRUE!!! You have manly hands >.< I think I've been on here too long.

As a sentient lipstick, it's a good thing you have a job at a cosmetic counter. Stop being so bitchy, giant talking lipstick.

I'm going to vote ydi for this one because op could have definitely been indirectly being a bitch to the customer. she was probably acting snobby and that may have been the customer's way of letting op know she was being rude. We have all seen those people who seem miserable at their jobs.. especially in retail.

Imitation is the greatest form of flattery