By Jane - 24/11/2011 13:57 - Australia

Today, at the point of orgasm, my boyfriend screamed out, "Is this all there is?!" then rolled over and stared blankly at the ceiling without speaking for ages. This happens a lot. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 868
You deserved it 6 236

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Iknoweverything 29

Next time you guys are getting frisky, wait til he takes off his pants and scream "Is that all there is?"


He's on a search for the double rainbow in your ******.

STXman1989 2

If he does it a lot yell at him or dump him!

Let him do the 'money shot'. That might fulfill him.

ronjon322 3

Definitely time spice it up or move on. The chemistry isn't there

He is your boyfriend! TELL HIM TO STOP OR WHATEVER. Stop whining here and do something about it. WOW! What an fml! :/ geez.

Darklord53 0

I'm very confused about what this FML says. Anyone care to clarify why he said that?

sierralovesyou 0

Your boyfriend is broken... You need a new one...