By what's a rimjob between friends? - 06/09/2013 21:42 - United States - Boston
Same thing different taste
Parent #1 of the Year
By no i'm sure you're a responsible parent - 09/04/2020 02:00 - United States
By Anonymous - 15/11/2012 19:47 - Ireland
By Anonymous - 19/10/2018 06:00 - United States
People of Walmart
By Anonymous - 21/01/2015 14:34 - United States
By nicknick2 - 18/05/2011 16:08 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/12/2011 02:31 - United States
By Anonymous - 20/08/2012 12:12 - United States - Worcester
Keep it to yourself
By oops - 30/11/2011 14:15 - United Kingdom
A quiet place, please
By Anonymous - 12/08/2024 16:00 - United States - Richmond
By unappreciated husband - 28/03/2014 21:43 - United States - Pullman
Top comments
Haha that's funny. You should have slapped her back and told her to get her ears checked.
Haha, Obviously your friend was correct, she must've had the painters in!!!
Suspicions confirmed.
The people of Walmart dear you can not shop there! Something terrible happens every time...things you can not unsee
She must have been on it.
jeez...she just assaulted you....that is just wrong
Well, I hope you did that guy a favor and sent the bitch to jail.
Literally the definition of being in the wrong place at the wrong time
Throw some chocolate at her, maybe that will calm the beast!