By Dude - 19/08/2009 10:32 - United States

Today, at WalMart, I saw a guy taping a sign that read "Hide and seek world champs!" over the lost children board. I chased him out of the store, then came back to take it down. As I was trying to remove the sign, a huge crowd began cursing at me and threatening me. They thought I'd made the sign. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 659
You deserved it 5 036

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ligerie 0

That is really gross that someone would actually make a sign like that. Sorry they thought it was you. =[

I feel guilty for laughing at that...but goddamn that's hilarious


Meglawl 0

Hahahaha. Why'd you even chase him out of the store? I'd leave it up, so everyone could lol.

Ha! I've seen those signs before. Hilarious.

wow, how sad that people think this is actually funny. perhaps they need to lose someone to actually understand how hurtful something like that is. i'm actually disgusted more by the responses on here than the fml itself. OP, fyl indeed, that's really shitty

Wow those people are really skull-******. Besides everyone knows Anne Frank is the Hide-and-Seek World Champion. ; )

Was. We don't consider Jackie Robinson the best second baseman in the majors today, either. Recognizing current talent does nothing to take away from Frank's illustrious career.

asdfghjklfmylife 0

All you guys that are saying that its the children's fault that they got kidnapped are all ******* assholes. And so it the guy that made that sign.

Darksect0r13 0

This is the first time i actually felt bad for someone on here =/

not an FML: just wait then say "Are you finished? I'm taking the sign DOWN because I WORK here. Use your common sense people."

don't go assuming that he works there.

doberhound 0

ha, what a shithole, but I could almost see myself doing that.