By Anonymous - 04/07/2009 20:21 - United States

Today, after spending two days cleaning my car inside and out, I had to pick up my brother when his truck died in the mountains, on a dirt road. He was drunk. I now have a car covered in mud and filled with vomit. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 450
You deserved it 3 145

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you did him a favour so therefor you should make him clean it up... I know I would.......


2nd this. Or better: have a professional company clean it and have him pay the bill

qwerty475 0

"Sorry bro......I was boozed up man" - LOL

MasterModeraor 0

YDI for having your car dirty enufff before that it took 2 whole days to clean it inside and out. If you think a little vomit and dirt is just as bad a something that would take you 2 days to clean then you obviously lack cleaning skills. YDI

MasterModeraor 0

YDI for covering your car in mud and vomitting in it. I bet your brother was disguisted at what you did. You owe him for that now cause its not nice to pick up your friend as a nice deed if your car smells like vomit and looks like shit. YFDI

SturmFireforge 0

Get him to pay for a clean up! At least you did him the favor.

MeganH0LLYW00D 0

Well then stop crying and clean it again bitch.

make sure to make him pay for the cleanup and also inform him that he was being incredibly irresponsible by driving drunk.

Hey, at least it was clean so he didn't throw up on anything other than your car. I'd been way more pissed cleaning through vomit/mud covered papers/books than the interior.

you did him a favour so therefor you should make him clean it up... I know I would.......

rafaelaugusto94 0

If I would be you I wouldnt pick him up... FYL indeed

Your brother is irresponsible and gross, therefore your life is ******. He needs to clean up his mess.

Make the ****** clean it. Hungover. Or buy it from you.