By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 4 016

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


Ydi for not getting a step stool, your work has to provide you with one for safety reasons. Fyl for having to deal with perverts. I know the feeling, I actually just had a reduction, but when you know you're large chested you HAVE to keep things like bouncing in mind. If you don't you're just bound to attract perverts.

onlyme1216 0

Ummm how about a step ladder? Seriously how many times a day do you sell cigarettes? He was rude but really don't jump anymore.

seriously has anyone read her follow ups? she has said multiple times that the only step stool they have is broken

What's the address of that gas station???

Lilybugg16 5
TheyCallMeDamien 17

Sounds like you need a grabber stick.