By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 4 016

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


You should kick him out next time. Shouldn't let people disrespect you Luke that :).

Minnesota_Chelse 0

Maybe use a step ladder next time.

Actually jackass, I'm doing this to pay for school!

Wooooow I hate being short and large chested too but nothing like that has happened to me! I'm sorry!

pipsqueak7 7

Aww I understand how you feel. I'm the same way :/

Dodge4x4Ram 46

woman with the negative comments have small ****

Might I suggest a step stool or chair so you can reach things easier? I know how you feel though, I have to reach high shelves at work and I'm very chesty; half the time my boobs bang onto the shelf and knock something over. It's a drag.