By aprilmay91 - 11/03/2012 12:38 - United States

Today, at work at a gas station kiosk, a man requested a carton of cigarettes. We keep our cigarettes on a high shelf. I'm short and very large chested so I have to jump in order to reach the carton. He said, "I only come here for the entertainment" and left without purchasing his cigarettes. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 946
You deserved it 4 016

aprilmay91 tells us more.

We have a step stool but it broken and the last time I used it i fell and twisted my ankle and bruised my arm.


youngsora 7

Nothing's wrong with being short as long as u think about the positive effects :) think of the advantages.

UsernameInCanada 7

If you were tall and large-chested it would probably be worse

Boobies make men do very bad things;)

I used to do that to this one chick. Lmao!

Gunner844 0

Prove to us that your short and "very large chested"

bizarre_ftw 21

From now on request the cash up front

bizarre_ftw 21

Or, you know, you could just bring a stick to work

hateevryone 14

keep the cigarettes on the low shelf.

itsgen 16