By bipbip - 12/11/2008 07:53 - France

Today, at work, I received an email telling me that viewing porn websites was prohibited and was a good enough reason to fire me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 9 345
You deserved it 68 805

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Liveanotherday 0

You shouldn't be looking at **** while at work. If you must look at that kind of thing then do it in the privacy of your home or appartment. Having the discipline to not look at pornography while at work shouldn't be a problem unless you have a serious problem.

First, it's common knowledge that browsing habits at work are always monitored. Second, why would you look at **** at work? You can't jack off, can you? If you can, why WOULD you?


If you where doing it at work then yah you should be fired... but if it was at home then that's not a very good reason to be fired.

Oops I dothis at school on my phone...

MissCharlotte_fml 26

At school?? Are you serious??

Why are you doing this at work? You lucky that you weren't fired on the spot.

14 Even if you delete your history, people can still find out what you're looking at. It's not hard.

Ummm yeah let's work not watch **** here....

It's called download google chrome, right click on the logo, click incognito window and tadaa! Your **** browsing cannot be monitored in ANY WAY!!

89Delta8 0

Y'all don't even know if he was looking at **** or not

It said he received an email telling him viewing **** websites was prohibited. That means, he was viewing them AT work. Which means, he's watching **** instead of working.

God_Of_Mischief 7

Who looks at **** sites while at work? It's called self control, man.