By Auston - 17/07/2011 05:16 - United States

Today, at work, our team started a new sales strategy of selling flowers to men by asking them to buy one for their lovely ladies. The first guy I ask ends up crying and telling me his wife passed away a week ago. The woman with him was actually his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 596
You deserved it 5 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not like you knew. Oh well ¯|(°_o)/¯ Sucks to be him, though.

Roses are red, Violets are blue. This rhyme's overdone, But at least I'm not you.


ettubrute 0

I have that exact same gas mask.

Human_Delilah 0

..Not Your Fault ..You Did Not Know o; ! You Should have like "No-****"Hugged Him And Gave him a "No-****" Flower.. Poor Guy D:!!.

Ydi for trying to manipulate people into wasting money on flowers.. It's especially a dick move if you ask in front of the wife/girlfriend because then they feel less significant if the guy says no....

either you are in a relationship with a person where getting stuff like flowers matters and if you are then not willing to follow trough and get flowers once in a whille you should not be together. or you are with someone who agrees it's pointless and we don't have a problem anyway.

I don't like flowers, I think they are pointless. I agree with #36 I think it's stupid to ask a guy to buy a flower in front of the person it's for. If you're going to buy someone flowers you should do it off your own back not because someone guilts you into it!

dancerNsinger4li 0

I mean I like flowers but I think if someone asked my bf to buy some in front of me it wouldnt mean as much because he will feel forced into buying it because I am there...point taken 36

i feel sorry for you OP, just doing your job, its unfortunate he was in that situation.

you said lovely ladies not wives... why did he tell you his life story? o.O

OP probably took 'lovely ladies' as wives/girlfriends. Clocked the guy (or the sister) had a wedding ring and said 'wife' or even if OP said 'lovely lady' she probably said 'Would you like to buy a flower for YOUR lovely lady'.. His 'lovely lady' JUST died.. Not hard to work out why he'd get upset and clearly gave an explanation as to why he was upset.. That is NOT his life story, show some compassion..

so did he buy some for his sister? FYL, though. you didn't know.

mintcar 9

Aw, he's still hurting. FHL.:(:(:( In any case, you had no idea, so just apologize and move along.

OP couldn't do anything about it but I really sympathise with that guy. :(