By Auston - 17/07/2011 05:16 - United States

Today, at work, our team started a new sales strategy of selling flowers to men by asking them to buy one for their lovely ladies. The first guy I ask ends up crying and telling me his wife passed away a week ago. The woman with him was actually his sister. FML
I agree, your life sucks 36 596
You deserved it 5 176

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's not like you knew. Oh well ¯|(°_o)/¯ Sucks to be him, though.

Roses are red, Violets are blue. This rhyme's overdone, But at least I'm not you.


csmouton 3

I really hate you people. y'all give the woman the flower and then ask the man for money. get a real job and stop selling roses downtown

starry71 0

That's a stupid sales strategy anyway.

were you in alabama? cos thats legal there:)

Poor guy... He must be in a lot of pain.

iMagzzzy 0

I like how they only ask the men.

linnie_wesker 20

That's a terrible sales strategy. I hate when I'm out with my brother or even just a guy friend and people assume we're dating/married. That shit is so awkward.