By anonymous - 06/08/2015 08:33 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, at work, the girl I've been into for the past 6 months confessed that she liked me, but also confessed she had sex with our boss. Our boss happens to be my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 745
You deserved it 1 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

Your attractiveness must run in the family.

Bringing a whole new meaning to keeping it in the family. ;)


is it safe to say that hurt? Because I felt that from here

Mortoli 30

I really like you...but I did your dad...that doesn't mean anything right? Awakward...

She sounds like a special kind of terrible person if she would sleep with your dad and then want to hook up with you. She's like the worse version of the chick that sleeps with a guy and then tries to sleep with his group of friends. Find someone else op.

You sound like a special kind of terrible person if you'd jump to such a conclusion knowing only the very little Information given in the fml

57, given the information that's a pretty good inference to make. With more information that inference could change, but considering the circumstances probably not. Try dealing with a homie hopping chick some time. Not fun bro.

so just casually mention to your dad that she said she likes you. Then enjoy watching his internal struggle.

Walk away from that mess. While what she does as a single female is her business I think you dating her would be too awkward for all parties involved. Also, please tell me your dad is single and didn't screw off on your mother with her.

RedPillSucks 31

apparently your dad was into her more literally than you

She's aware that the guy she slept with and you are related huh? Maybe she's like s a Ménage à trois. HUEHUEHUE