By anonymous - 06/08/2015 08:33 - United States - Garden Grove

Today, at work, the girl I've been into for the past 6 months confessed that she liked me, but also confessed she had sex with our boss. Our boss happens to be my dad. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 745
You deserved it 1 843

Same thing different taste

Top comments

RenoTheRhino 30

Your attractiveness must run in the family.

Bringing a whole new meaning to keeping it in the family. ;)


fwb? definitely not a keeper. remove hook and return to water

thats sad OP.. but does she knew that her boss is ur dad..??

Just let her go man don't even mess with that. I don't know about you but I could never get that out of my mind.

whatarethisss 23

YDI, she's opening up to you on a deep emotional level, and you're holding the fact that she slept with your dad against her. Even though you guys were not together and most likely didn't know that you guys had feelings for one another. Maybe if you had the courage to tell her 6 months ago she would have slept with you instead of your father...

I think it's ridiculous that you're blaming OP. If she truly liked him, I think she would have given OP some sort of hint or maybe even made the first move instead of sleeping with his father and THEN trying to get with him. Not to mention even if they did end up actually dating how awkward it would be to know that your girlfriend had sex with your dad.

I love that you like to play devils advocate.

ep1186 7

How does he deserve it? He didn't call her a ***** or a hoe and say she was an awful person. He merely implied that he has a very common, and valid, aversion to sharing sex partners with the man who raised him. I think for most people sharing intimacy with someone who has been intimate with a close family member would be off-putting.

Badkarma4u 17

Nobody says shes trying to get with him. I've liked a lot of people my penis will go nowhere near. I think shes telling op "you blew it, and I blew your dad". Next time don't wait so long, but let this one go. This is what people everywhere call a RED FLAG!!! Not that shes a bad person. Shes just off limits to you.

does she think you're the newer model?

i must say that's a sure fire way to kill crush your better off without people like that