By Ryanissaur - 19/10/2009 05:34 - Australia

Today, being a music student, a professional orchestra performed a symphony that I wrote and dedicated to my girlfriend. It took months to compose and it the first and only time it was ever going to be played. My girlfriend forgot to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 548
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because, evidently, all people trained in classical composition are homosexual. Let me guess, your knowledge about music is limited to what you hear on top 40?


muscicians rock the world, but not u... and yes, u can put this as an FML too^^

miley cyrus, taylor swift? can they read music? can they analyze harmonic progression and roman numeral analysis', and sight sing on the spot like first semester freshman music majors in college? (or even some in high school depending on your music program) probably not. :/

You are far too kind in your assessment of the average college freshman music major.

That's second semester. The first semester teaches percussionists to read music and vocalist to count.

I seriously hope that tomorrow we will see "Today, my composer boyfriend dumped be for being a self-centered, unthinking, stupid twit. FML" . Seriously, dump her... hard and fast.

_Naboo_ 0

Oh wow, that really does suck. But other things could have came up. Something important perhaps? Talk to her about it before freaking out.

Do you have a recording? And don't say it'll never be performed again. You never know. Berlioz wrote the symphonie fantastique for the purpose of getting Harriet Smithson's attention, and now it's an integral part of orchestral repertoire.

hydro_fml 0

Give her a sample of it as a ring tone.

ShokuMasterLord 0

Start an online orchestra project to perform the symphony. Have you heard of the YouTube Symphony Orchestra? Something like that perhaps. Or, if you wrote this in Finale, use the Vienna Symphonic or Garritan Personal Orchestra recording you can make of it. Also, since this a professional orchestra and this is a special occasion rather than just a performance of some piece, a recording might have been made; our city's orchestra does this thing called "Fresh Ink" where fledgling professional composers send in their compositions and the orchestra selects which ones to perform. A recording is always made of it. Or perform the score on the instrument you play. Or play an important solo carried on by the instrument you play in the symphony, on the instrument you play.

It's ok, it was probably awful, uninspired, and most importantly derivative and unoriginal anyway. :)

Very true. This may have just been a community or part-time orchestra. People have different perceptions on what a "professional" ensemble is. As a word of general advice from a fellow musician, never write a symphonic work for your girlfriend unless she, too, is a musician. If she were a "musician" in the fullest sense of the term, she wouldn't forget about coming to a concert.