By Ryanissaur - 19/10/2009 05:34 - Australia

Today, being a music student, a professional orchestra performed a symphony that I wrote and dedicated to my girlfriend. It took months to compose and it the first and only time it was ever going to be played. My girlfriend forgot to come. FML
I agree, your life sucks 51 548
You deserved it 3 032

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Because, evidently, all people trained in classical composition are homosexual. Let me guess, your knowledge about music is limited to what you hear on top 40?


Averageman 0

hope you recorded some video of it

fastcared 1

Serious mistake. Don't mix your personal and your professional lives. People in both may disappoint you.

Lady_Bow 4

Your girlfriend is a moron, dump her ass

doof_fisch 2

Maybe your gf is Diana Ross -- and whenever she's near you, she hears a symphony.

piano993 0

i hate musically ignorant people. you should have recorded the orchestra play your composition and play it for someone who really appreciates music. And you should have shown her how much time you spent on it and be like, bitch you couldn't write this symphony if you had a gun strapped to your head.

LeStab 4

dude my friend is still in high school and he's doing that..