By crazygirl10 - 28/05/2010 20:37 - United States
Same thing different taste
By youjustsuck - 25/07/2011 18:07 - United States
By nnnaaazzz - 24/10/2009 12:20 - United Kingdom
Plot twist
By Anonymous - 20/09/2024 13:00 - United States
By seriously?! - 11/02/2009 16:51 - United States
By Anonymous - 06/03/2012 19:54 - United States
By Michelle - 06/12/2014 03:35 - United States - Abingdon
By Anonymous - 10/05/2014 22:11 - Sweden - Lidk?ping
By Anonymous - 19/03/2023 16:00 - United Kingdom - Newcastle
By sly - 25/10/2010 22:09 - United States
By shininghayley - 15/02/2010 06:14 - United States
Top comments
This is only a problem if your bf is dull or you can't sing. If that's the case, YDI.
I agree with #1.
ImaginaryFoe, what sense are you using "dull" in?
I guess you were having your moment...
I think thats a good thing he gets to see your true personality!!
Imaginary foe, you've posted an actual comment and now I can't threadjack and say what I want because it's already been said. Dammit.
nice pic 11 that made me lol
what r u crazy!?! well ur nickname is crazygirl so....
Boops! It's been a while since I've seen you around here. Obviously I meant dull as in not very sharp. Nobody likes being hit with a blunt object.
not that big of a deal. If I was him I would just laugh and or join in.
Sean, your thread-jacking powers are so immense that you will find a way. Oh, look, you just did. Congratulations. Next time I'll say "First" and get modded just for your enjoyment. Wait right here.
That would probably be because I haven't been here for a while. It seems to be a problem — some people here don't seem to know who I am. Anyway, I still don't understand your sentence.
I bet you feel Like a virgin (at first comments) Touched for the very first time Like a virgin (at first comments) When your heart beats (after first time, with your heartbeat) Next to mine
eminem > lil Wayne weezy is OK but wayy overrated.
if you ask me he is easily the best mainstream rapper out right now. jimmy is right though the best rap is mostly underground or from the 90's
I know Vanessa I use both :p and yeah that accent didn't really work...he said he is done with it though so that's a relief.
artist of the decade? that's awesome I didn't know that. although it's not saying much 2000 was a terrible decade in rap if you ask me.
yeahh. google it. my favorite part of my favorite song!;; sitting nude in my living room it's almost noon I wonder what's on the tube? maybe they'll show some boobs switch every channel until I find Hannah montanna and take out the aloe and lanalin bust all over the wall pannel-in dismantal-in every candle lit on the mantle-in (: <33
haha wow eminem is the most ****** up yet hilarious rapper ever. my favorite song by him is probably uhhm Stan.
ydi for singing that. fuafp
this is creepy. last night I had a dream I was in amadonna video and now this??? suspicious. I guess I better watch out for Madonna.
not afraid was pretty good. search for despicable, that is 10 times better.
yeah I love the Beamer Benz or bentley beat. that was my favorite part
bout 25 I think. and drakes album comes out a week before I think but it's not gonna be that great.
I thought it was 22 but I could be wrong.
I fail to see how this is a FML
Dude, your'e a fag.
Stan is literally like the only song of his I know.
Looks like your gonna stay "like a vigin" but you aint gettin touched for the very first time
yur on crack, get yur ears checked. eminem is and will always be one of the greatest.
Mexican !!!!
It looks like your finger is in the trigger well, which is trigger discipline. And it doesn't matter that the pistol magazine is empty and it's pointed at a wall. It's rule number one, a gun is not a toy... Jesus dude, that's how people get shot. You know how many times I've heard about that? So many people get shot because they're ******* with a pistol, and have their finger inside the trigger well. That shit is so ******* stupid, and it makes you look like a dumbass.
Monkey girls are naughty. We say so in China.
where s my post!
your almost due!
LMFAO I did the EXACT same thing last night when a guy I'm seeing showed up in my back yard while I was singing it infront of the sliding glass door in my undies and a small t-shirt while on the phone. he laughed so hard. it's not that bad OP, laugh right along with him.
76- that is a common problem with rap and hop-hop. try listening to KiD CuDi or B.o.B, they actually rap about wholesome subjects. not that eminem doesn't rap about wholesome subjects *Kim ;-)* but he raps about his life, not just bitches and money or rim size, and I think eminem's music has drawn so many people because of that.
49- hardcore kicks ass! Underoath FTW -also attack attack, bring me the horizon, the devil wears prada, we came as Romans, job for a cowboy, parkway drive, I see stars, all of them also win as well
are you a teen mom? you look young! and this is not meant to be mean, just wondering!
Yeah because we care because this is eharmony
it's not really that bad lol I do that all the time, while I may not be on a table ;) but yeaa definitly not an fml
That is at best mildly embarrassing
..... this is sooooooo embarrasing!!!! wat the fuckk lol
I call that a win
your picture is a win. up is a fantastic movie. dafp!?
Exactly, OP you were just havin' some awesome alone time... A good bf would be turned on. ;D
Can't decide if I would grab some popcorn and watch, or just take her right there on the kitchen table.....
what's wrong with singing loudly? if he's ur bf he shouldn't care
this isn't an fml. it's called an embarassing moment. it's life. get over yourself.
Why so many comments being moderated??

This is only a problem if your bf is dull or you can't sing. If that's the case, YDI.
what's wrong with singing loudly? if he's ur bf he shouldn't care