By Anonymous - 10/10/2015 04:43 - Canada - Qualicum Beach

Today, desperate to meet a guy, I went clubbing. The only guy to show any interest opened with, "You're hot, for a black chick!" FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 431
You deserved it 2 751

Same thing different taste

Top comments

It's a club. They're basically a place to keep all the fuckwits away from the rest of us. That sort of thing is to be expected, really.

fpants2010 18


Why are so many people telling her to take the compliment when it was hella backhanded?! Compliments don't have conditions.

For some odd reason, if a black guy at a club said "You're pretty for a white girl." I would take it as a compliment because his preference obviously isn't white. People can't help what they are and aren't attracted to. He's a stranger at a club. Why should his opinion even hold any value?

Clubbing to meet someone can end up with things like this.

If you are looking to round up some racist into a concentration camp, just track down all the "you deserved it" in this post, minus the mis clicks

wrenavery90 12

What a dick! You showed a lot of restraint by not smacking him.