By metalwolf - 20/04/2012 08:56 - United States

Today, driving home, I got bored and started debating how I know this is reality and not just a dream, even though dreams often seem real. The answer came quickly; in my dreams, I work normal hours and have time for things like hanging out with friends, and having a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 189
You deserved it 3 897

metalwolf tells us more.

The problem isn't really organizing my time. Ideally I would like to get to sleep right when I get home and wake up in the early afternoon, but usually I fall asleep in the afternoon and wake up just a bit before I need to go to work again. Speaking of, I should be asleep right now.

Top comments


randompanda7 4

This is why I don't work. Ap classes and three instruments take up too much time. I'm also quite lazy, and enjoying it while I can. :) live in your dreams is what I say. Makes u feel happier. In most cases anyway. :)

foxfur 25

whoever you are, I finally feel like I am not alone. I constantly have issues with reality.. Honestly its nice knowing im not alone..

Oh no OP! Sounds like you're pretty unhappy with things if you're dreaming that way. I hope things get better!