By metalwolf - 20/04/2012 08:56 - United States

Today, driving home, I got bored and started debating how I know this is reality and not just a dream, even though dreams often seem real. The answer came quickly; in my dreams, I work normal hours and have time for things like hanging out with friends, and having a girlfriend. FML
I agree, your life sucks 20 189
You deserved it 3 897

metalwolf tells us more.

The problem isn't really organizing my time. Ideally I would like to get to sleep right when I get home and wake up in the early afternoon, but usually I fall asleep in the afternoon and wake up just a bit before I need to go to work again. Speaking of, I should be asleep right now.

Top comments


Don't worry I work so much and work so hard in school that I don't have any time for anything not even a efficient amount of sleep that's why I don't have a boyfriend or a life do no one would wanna be my boyfriend anyway

Obvious attention-whoring is obvious. Whether or not someone wants to be your boyfriend is a moot point to the topic; although I have an idea why they wouldn't want to be with you.

If this is all a big dream, I feel bad for the person dreaming it.

Sure, that's why you don't have a girlfriend.

KiddNYC1O 20

My dreams usually involve some kind of stress and very strange scenarios. If I'm not dreaming, I'm suffering from an episode of sleep paralysis...

Maybe your "dreams" are reality and this is just a nightmare?

tracyle 2

Quit daydreaming and maybe you can find time for real friends etc

nofearjenshere 12

Is this the real life? Is this just fantasy..

I like people with champion music taste

I dont think not having time is the reason u dont hang out with friends or have a girlfriend