By Anonymous - 21/04/2009 22:04 - United States

Today, due to the cold, windy weather, I decided to wear my brand-new cute (and expensive) jacket that has a faux-fur hood. As I walked down the street, numerous PETA members attacked me with red liquid. I'm a Vegan and an animal-rights activist. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 948
You deserved it 25 028

Same thing different taste

Top comments

KeithHarris 0

Serves you right for wearing fake animals. Next time wear the real thing so you'll at least deserve getting pelted with fake animal blood. :-D PETA members are dicks.

whats with the red liquids lately? well, PETA is a bit extreme, but they shouldn't be going around bombarding people with red liquids!


ritalinboy 1

sue their asses for assault

you know most 'fake' fur is still made of dog... well its like part dog part polyester

Embarassment 0

Maybe try explaining to then?

D4rk_Asas1n 0

Haha wow **** PETA. They r a bunch if homos n lesbos. They jus destroyed ur property. Next time carry round son brass knucks n I don believe u will have a problem nemore

Literacy 0

#19 What the poster I assume you are replying to meant (You didn't give a number... newb) is that the "faux" fur she was wearing was still made of real fur. It was probably listed as, like, faux cheetah fur or just any fur in general. What "faux" means by definition is "not the original product". The faux fur here was not cheetah fur, but instead probably dog fur. To the op: PeTA is a bunch of firebombing extremists. To me, their actions are no different than those of Felice Orsini (PeTA destroys research with bombs, he was trying to kill Napoleon III with bombs, but still) and they should all go and get raped by dolphins. Several times. Violently. Then we'll see who still supports animal rights, and who would like to try an 8oz Filet Minon. :D

thats retarded. the dumbass PETA needs to mind their own damn business

heymanwasup 0

you can sue in small claims court for the money of your coat, embaressment, and assualt.

PETA makes me want to eat live cow babies and kick cute baby kitties. their tactics are absurd. destroying fur that is being worn by someone who loves it just means that the animal has now died in vain because it's remains have been ruined.

YDI for being an animal rights activist

cupooterluvr 0

This is what concealed carry permits are for. I prefer a Smith and Wesson .45 M+P myself.