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By Anonymous - 29/01/2013 21:23 - United States - Burlington

Today, during a date, I discovered that if I cough with my mouth closed, snot will spray from my nose all over the place like some kind of mucus cannon. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 471
You deserved it 6 912

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Sounds like a sure-Fire way to booger- I mean bugger up a good date.


Telescope 1

Damn that's an awesome way to blow your nose.

1 - S'not his fault he was being nose-e and tried to thread-jack! Cut him some slack!

what a great way to utilize the first comment!

Better keep your mouth open.. I'm sure your date would love that... ;)

Initializing snot rocket launch in 3...2...1...BOOM!

As Eddie Murphy would say, its just like sprinkles, its just like sprinkles.

Sounds like a sure-Fire way to booger- I mean bugger up a good date.

Is there no end to the originality?! I'm mean, it's almost unfair pleo!

Just thought I would say, your dog looks like Rodger from American Dad! :D so cute!!! it doesn' looks like an adorable dog.

Ok so, ALWAYS cover BOTH your mouth and nose while sneezing.

23- I read about boogers and automatically thought sneeze. My bad. Although I have no idea how can you shoot boogers out of your nose because of a cough. :/

Simple really... Try closing your mouth and coughing. If the air can't leave through your mouth, your nose is next.

Yeah, I just tried it and it does work exactly as the FML says. No idea why one would try that though! Ineffective!

Helps clear out your nose when your stuffed up though. Still wouldn't suggest it.

KiddNYC1O 20

Open your mouth? *thats what he said jokes in 5...4...3...2...1*

He opens his mouth so that doesnt happen, and thats what HE said

When I was 16 years old, I had my first job answering phones at a pizzeria. One of the older co-workers asked me "How wide could you open up your mouth without showing your teeth?" I had no idea what that meant at the time. I miss those days of innocence. :P

RedPillSucks 31

Erm.... I still don't know what that's suppose to mean.

BlueFlatts 20

Thank's for making me feel young again 25. Edit: Nevermind...

I have a question did it possibly occur to you to grab a napkin since you know you were on a date?

Sometimes these things just come on suddenly.

NickaPLZ 26

Sounds like a famous youtube video waiting to happen.

PoopNuggetLeader 4

Can you use it to protect yourself?

Man, think of all the awesome opportunities you could've had If you discovered this awesome ability when you were a kid!

gregkingsley 4

Hope he or she has a rare snot fetish