By M - 20/09/2015 23:59 - United Kingdom - Clevedon

Today, during a work meeting, my boss leaned over to me and whispered, "I suggest we fuck". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 289
You deserved it 2 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've responded with "I suggest you ****... Off."

katydid91 31

Alright then. That's not creepy or inappropriate at all...


Didn't think that was a very Somerset-like thing, it must be Brizzl :(

Badkarma4u 17

Say no thanks. Move on with your life. If he doesn't let it go. Then do something. Going to HR prematurely will not work out well. They will do nothing to him, and it will make you look like someone who can't handle themselves.

orsombre_fml 11

If you don't report him, he'll escalate to sexual harassment.

That already is sexual harassment, it doesn't need to escalate at all.

You should of said that's not appropriate because you don't know if he's married

I suggest you give me half the money you win for the lawsuit.

"I suggest you pay me an out of court settlement for 250k" - that or play along, record it and send it his wife, senior partners at work and file a law suite against the company. cha-ching and lolz not a bad day at work

Maybe he was offering you a promotion ?