By M - 20/09/2015 23:59 - United Kingdom - Clevedon

Today, during a work meeting, my boss leaned over to me and whispered, "I suggest we fuck". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 289
You deserved it 2 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've responded with "I suggest you ****... Off."

katydid91 31

Alright then. That's not creepy or inappropriate at all...


I sense a mighty promotion in your future.

More like someone's getting a raise!

I would interrupt the meeting and say "oh what was that, boss? You had something to add?" And put him on the spot.

Goblin182 26

Lean over and whisper, I suggest you get a lawyer.

How in hell did he think that he could get away with that comment? Does he not know about sexual harassment? Report his ass!

Or just say "I let my attorney do the *******"

Cagara_fml 10

You should have left the meeting immediately and leave him face the awkward looks of your colleagues

Im sorry OP. that's Def. not something you ever wanna hear from your boss .

Ever heard of Sexual Harassment and this thing called..... Uh.... What's it called again? Oh! Right! Reporting. There's a reason why HR exists.

Report his ass. Just because he's a higher up doesn't mean he can ordered you around for his sexual needs.