By M - 20/09/2015 23:59 - United Kingdom - Clevedon

Today, during a work meeting, my boss leaned over to me and whispered, "I suggest we fuck". FML
I agree, your life sucks 30 289
You deserved it 2 530

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I would've responded with "I suggest you ****... Off."

katydid91 31

Alright then. That's not creepy or inappropriate at all...


How do we know the boss is a male, might be the opposite of what it seems

I would have gasped "YOU WANT US TO HAVE SEX? BUT YOURE MY BOSS!" Loudly.

lrw87 22

Sexual harassment is a thing over there right? Report his ass.

_TasteTheRainbow 24

Why is everyone assuming the boss is a man?

what if it is His boss, and the boss is a She? so many sexist people :)

That's sexual harassment, OP. I hope you're able to safely and feasibly take care of the issue and not be treated like that again. All the best.